Tampere Guitar Festival, Finland
20th Tampere Guitar Festival 4-9 June 2024

News archive


Taiteellisen johtajan tervehdys

Tervetuloa Tampereen Kitarafestivaalille! Olemme innoissamme voidessamme jälleen järjestää tapahtuman normaaliin tapaan. Konserttielämä on elpymässä koronan jäljiltä ja mahdollisuus kommunikoida kasvotusten musiikin keinoin on saapunut takaisin el&au…

Pro Guitarra 2021 palkinto Seppo Siiralalle

Kitaristi-tuottaja Seppo Siiralalle on myönnetty vuoden 2021 Pro Guitarra -palkinto. Kyseessä on Tampere Guitar Festivalin vuodesta 2016 lähtien myöntämä harkinnanvarainen palkinto, joka myönnetään klassisen kitarakulttuurin hyväksi tehdystä ty&…

Results of The Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Competition

The juries of Finland and Spain of The International Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Competition 2.0 have made their decissions for the results of the finals of both competitions. The competitions of Finland and Spain congratulates all the competitors from the scholarship round to the finals for all …

The finalists of 2 in 1 Online Competition have been selected

The semifinal of the International Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Guitar Competition 2.0 took place on September 18th 2021. The competition organised by Tampere Guitar Festival from Finland and Petrer Guitar Festival from Spain had 64 applicants from 27 countries. From those, 28 guitarists were…

Results of Round 1 | 2 in 1 Online Competition 2.0

The semifinalists of The International Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Competition 2.0 have been selected. From 54 competetitors, the Juries of Finland and Spain have both selected 20 players for their semifinals. 12 of the semifinalists will compete in the semifinals of both competitions, …


The International Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Competition 2.0 has started. This new video competition is held now for the 2nd time and it has 54 players. Altogether there were 64 applicants from 27 countries. The competition is organised together by Tampere Guitar Festival, Finland and Petre…

Apply by July 1st to 2 in 1 Online Guitar Competition 2.0

Last day to apply to The International Classical Guitar 2 in 1 Online Competition 2.0 is July 1st 2021. This is a new accessible way to attend a competition from wherever you are. With one registration fee and using the same videos, you may win two competitions. The No age limit category …

Tampereen kitarafestivaali saa uuden taiteellisen johtajan

Vuonna 2005 perustettu kansainvälinen kitaratapahtuma Tampere Guitar Festival uudistuu uuden taiteellisen johtajan nimityksen myötä. Tapahtuman perustaja Tomi Tolvanen on toiminut alusta saakka tapahtuman festivaalijohtajana, mutta nyt nuo tehtävät jakautuvat ja taiteellisen…
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