Jack Hancher (UK)
“Poet and a painter, colouring sounds out of the guitar as if his imagination and the guitar were one”
– Gendai Guitar Magazine, Japan
Jack Hancher on nouseva klassisen kitaran tähti Britanniasta. Vuonna 2022 hän voitti arvostetun Royal Overseas League -kilpailun. Tätä edelsi kiertue useilla Euroopan kitarafestivaaleilla EuroStrings-artistina.
Kilpailumenestyksen lisäksi Hancher on arvostettu esiintyjä. Hän on esiintynyt muun muassa Lontoon Wigmore Hallissa. Hänellä on suorittanut maisterin tutkinnon Royal College of Musicissa. Hancherin debyyttialbumi julkaistaan Deux-Ellesin toimesta vuonna 2024. Albumi sisältää monipuolista englantilaista ohjelmistoa sekä uusia teoksia säveltäjä Dani Howardilta.
In English
Jack Hancher is a rising star of the classical guitar from the UK. In 2022, he won the prestigious Gold Medal of the Royal Overseas League Competition, becoming just the third guitarist to win the award. This was preceded by a tour of several European Guitar Festivals as a EuroStrings Artist in 2021.
His artistry shines beyond competitions, with memorable performances at London's Wigmore Hall and a dynamic presence at the Cheltenham Contemporary Arts Festival. He holds a master's degree from the Royal College of Music in London. In 2024, Hancher is set to debut an album with Deux-Elles, featuring classical English repertoire and new works by composer Dani Howard. Offstage, he imparts his knowledge through masterclasses, such as those at the Royal College of Music.
- Ti | Tue 4.6. Pirkkalan Vanha kirkko: Jack Hancher (UK) & Álvaro Toscano (ESP)
- Ke | Wed 5.6. Tampereen konservatorio, Pyynikkisali: Uppsala Guitar Quartet